General Privacy Policy

This page describes the ways to manage this website, referring to the treatment of personal data of users which consult it. This statement is provided pursuant to UE Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and to the April 27th, 2016 Council regarding the protection of personal data to those who interact with web services Aeromeccanica Stranich S.p.a. with telematic access from the following address:

This policy is provided only to Aeromeccanica Stranich S.p.a. website and not to other websites eventually consulted by the user through links.


The holder of the treatment is: Aeromeccanica Stranich Spa – Via Trivulzio 2, 20146 Milano – fax 0039 022401753 – e.mail – P.Iva IT12731770157


Treatments connected to web services of this website take place at the headquarters, located in Sesto San Giovanni, Via G. Di Vittorio 300, is treated and they are supervised by the technical staff of the office in charge of processing, which is properly signed and informed on the treatment of personal data or by any person in charge of occasional  maintenance.

No datum deriving from web service is communicated or diffused.

Personal data is provided by users which request information material (bullettins, cd-roms, newsletters, annual reports, answers to questions, acts and measures and so on) with the unique purpose to perform the service or assistance requested and it is  conveyed to third parties only if necessary to that purpose.


Navigation data

Informatic systems and software procedures intended to operate in this website acquire, during the normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit by using internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated to identified users, but they could allow, by nature, the identification of the users by elaboration and association with data held by third parties.

This data category includes IP addresses, domain names of computers used by people to get connection with this website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of requested resources, time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained as a response, the numeric code which indicates the response status given  by the server (success, error) and other parameters related to the operative system, the user's computing environment.

This data is only used to get anonymous statistic information about the use of the website and in order to check its right operating  and it is immediately deleted in cases of hypotetical computer crimes damaging the website: save this eventuality, the web contacts data do not persist for more than seven days.


The voluntary explicit optional sending of electronic mail addresses indicated in this website has as a consequence the acquisition of the sender's address, which is necessary to respond the requests, and eventual further personal data in the letter.

Specific  summary information will be progressively included and shown in the website pages dedicated to particular services on request.


None of the user's personal data is acquired on purpose by the website.

Cookies are not used for conveying personal information, and no persistent c.d.cookies of any kind either no systems for tracking the users are used.

The use of c.d.session cookies (which are not stored in a persistent way in the user's computer and fade away as the browser is closed) is tightly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (made of natural numbers generated by the server) which are necessary to allow the safe and efficient navigation of the website.

The session c.d. cookies used in this website avoid the use of other informatic techniques that could be potentially injurious of the confidentiality of user navigation and would not allowthe acquisition of the user's personal identification data.


Except as specified about navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data contained in the application forms otherwise indicated in the contacts with the office in order to request the sending of informative material or other communications.

If you don't provide them, it is impossible to get what you have requested.

Safety must be remembered that in some cases (which are not the object of the present management of this website) authorities may request news and information under Regulation (EU)2016/679 of the European Parliament , with the purpose of checking the treatment of personal data. In these cases the answer is compulsory, at pain of administrative sanctions.


Personal data is treated with automatic tools just the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected.

Specific safety measures are observed in order to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect uses and unauthorized accesses.

Rights Of The Subject Of The Treatment

The person concerned has the right to request to the data controller:

  • the confirmation of the existence or absence of personal data about him, even if they have not been recorded yet, and their communication in an intelligible form;
  • correction, integration, limitation, deletion of his data;
  • portability of his data.

The person concerned has the right to :

  • withdraw his consent at any time;
  • submit complaints to the supervisory authority;
  • to know the consequences of the lack of consent ( for instance, the impossibility to conclude an agreement and perform the supply);
  • to know the existence of profiling process of his data;
  • to know the existence of an automatic decision processing, the logic that governs it and possible consequences;
  • to object in whole or in part;
  • for legitimate reasons to the treatment of personal data regarding him, even if they are relevant to the purpose of the collection ;
  • to the treatment of personal data regarding him to the purpose of direct marketing (sending of advertising or direct sales or for carrying out market or commercial communication research), also considering the profiling for marketing purposes.

How To Exercise Your Rights

The person concerned has the right to exercise all his rights just by sending a written request, even by computer, to the data controller.